Possibly the sickest feminist art blog you've ever read. Possibly.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Yet more even older stuff...

 So, again, old photos- I took these at Pukkelpop '09 in Belgium, a festival I used to go to every year.  These are pretty much the only photos I've ever taken at festivals; partly out of never taking my camera in case it gets nicked and also just not being bothered (which is the main reason I'm not much of a photographer)

 However, I still think these came out pretty well considering I took them on my phone camera ( I know "a poor workman always blames his tools" and all that, but honestly, everyone else who has a Samsung G600; or I think that's t anyway, also says it's pretty lame in most ways. Also the light conditions were, for the most part, balls as it was really overcast (as you can see from above) or in fact, nighttime. 

Still, I kind of like them. Sometimes the most garbage cameras take awesome pictures- and if they don't, well you can just blame your tools!

Last Year's Biz

These are just a few wee sketches I liked and didn't want to get lost in the mists of time

Sure, I did these a while ago, and it probably shows but I still think they're a pretty good representation of my style. They're mainly in red or black ink and nib, apart from the last two which are a 5B  pencil. 

Monday, 8 November 2010

Maura Kelly: representing general opinion or just shooting herself in the foot?

Not being someone who regularly visits the Marie-Claire magazine website, I was first alerted to the (extremely) controversial article by Maura Kelly (all links at the bottom)  by an article on Feministe  and my first reaction was honest disbelief. I mean, can a magazine as huge as Marie-Claire really risk publishing an article like that? Even as part of a little sister blog to its webpage? 

 On reading it, I was then amazed at just how offensive it was; not to mention nonsensical. Describing fat or obese (but not 'plump') people as 'gross' can hardly fit the super-PC standards that Marie-Claire tries (not necessarily successfully) to promote. It seems that Kelly's article is a response to complaints about people having 'fat sex' on TV. I mean honestly, it makes no difference to me what the size of the actor/actress is- Michelle Pfeiffer to Michelle McManus; I still don't want to see them getting jiggy! (Or jiggly I guess to make a bad pun) I'm not even going to start on the 'Pornification of our everyday lives' rant; but just so you know, it's there in the wings. 

But really, as it is you can't switch on the TV without seeing someone shagging: so why confine it to the skinnies? As Kelly complains about such a large proportion of society being obese- should the TV not be an accurate representation of real life? Or is it better for everyone if we just pretend that fat people don't feel sexual impulse and promote the idea that we can only be attracted to the beautiful, perfect model stereotypes that Marie-Claire tells us we can? If the TV is going to be full of sex, it may as well be full of everyone having sex. 

What if I said I found skinny people having sex revolting? The grating of barely-covered bone on gristle; brushing ribs with your loved one and feeling their protruding hips grinding against your pelvis as you dry-hump their knobbly-kneed thighs? 

Oooooh baby.

